rely to I thought it was fun


You mentioned in your post “I asked him if this relationship is real because it’s too good to be true”

Im sorry to be the only one that sees this,but ill be upfront with you.
If something is to good to be true,its because generally it is.

Besides some people feeling they need a relationship because they unfortunately are not in one,need to feel wanted and cared for,Ill be honest here,you dont know this guy.
You haven’t met him,you havnt spent personal time with him,getting to truly know him as you can in person ,which could take many months or longer.
How does any one know who is truly on the other end of their pc.or in life until we have a long time relationship with them.
I am sorry but this sends warning bells to me.And better to be safe then sorry.Better to pull away now then regretting not doing so later.
How do you know or any one for that matter ,if a so called friend in cyber space isn’t s stalker,isn’t a troll.
How many times do we see on the tv or read about people who get then self into a on line relationship then get hurt by their money taken or get stalked or worse.

I think to many people jump into relationships to soon after meeting each other .They think they can know some one after a short few weeks,or months, from meeting them in person and think they know them.Let a lone on just typing to some one,or even skying for that fact.
Im not saying you not growing some feelings for this guy,but it may be because you need some one,and you havnt found that person yet.
Please be the things that ive mentioned can happen and are real.

I hope you find some one soon,but dont rush he will come.

asked May 30, 2013

1 Answer

vary true words I get where your coming from I agree strongly I have friends who do this it never ends well Im always there shoulder to cry on