Relationship advice?


My boyfriend and I get along well and are happy with each other; but, he gets jealous easily. Often times, over rather simple things that most people wouldn’t be jealous of.
For example; at the homecoming dance the other day, I accidentally knocked some drink onto a girl’s dress and I spent a few moments helping her clean up. He got jealous and felt forgotten; he sat there silently and wouldn’t talk to me for a while. It snowballed into me crying a bit, while he went into near full breakdown mode because he’d seen me start crying as a result of him over-reacting.
Any advice?

Category: Tags: asked October 9, 2013

3 Answers

Maybe sitting with him and talking about these issues that you feel should mellow down would be the right way to approach this, very calm you can talk to him and point out what's bothering you, and I'm sure he will understand and maybe both of you together can find ways to help with these jealousy issues. And when talking about this also reassure him of your love and respect towards him, that will make him feel more comfortable and safe, jealousy is something to take seriously and you should both approach the problem together as a couple, help him help himself. I hope I was of help, good luck, love and light.
i say get a new bf....and heres why.....a guy only gets jealous because he knows theres somebody else who will treat you better than he does........think about it.......and also, good god can imagine what your life would be like five or ten years down the road with this guy? you deserve better, ....go find it, and if he asks why? just tell him its payback for the wonderful memories of prom night he gave you with his butt hurt pouting.
i say get a new bf....and heres why.....a guy only gets jealous because he knows theres somebody else who will treat you better than he does........think about it.......and also, good god can imagine what your life would be like five or ten years down the road with this guy? you deserve better, ....go find it, and if he asks why? just tell him its payback fortge wonderful memories of prom night he gave you with his butt hurt pouting.