so there was this guy that i like that i had been talking to for awhile but had stopped communicating with for no reason. this had been bothering me and feeling confused. so a couple of nights ago i took it upon myself to reach out and call him up in which he didn’t answer and so i left him with a text message. so i’ve been anxiously waiting to see if he will respond back to me. but prior to all this and this might sound a bit crazy but i actually met him on an online dating site where i was helping a friend make a fake profile to catch her bf. in the process i met him on there and found out he was from the same hometown as me so i became very intrigued by this and him so i continued to talk to him as the fake persona but along the way i developed feelings for him but the same time i felt bad that i was lying to him who i really was so i finally told him the truth about everything. even though i had been expecting the worse surprisingly he was understanding and appreciated me telling him the truth and being honest with everything and continued to communicate with me after. a few days later we had been texting like we usually do and i sent him a text asking if he had some time to talk and that when he didn’t respond back. even while all this was going and trying to figure out why he would stop communicating with no reason. i felt it was so unlike him and didn’t expect him to leave me hanging like that. even when i was portraying that fake persona i was very straight forward and blunt with him and gave him plenty of opportunities to stop talking to me and stop whatever we had. he too was very open and honest with me so i can’t see why he wouldn’t just tell me if he had a change of heart, needed space or whatever it may be. even with all that i just wanted to answers so i decided to sign up on that dating site again and to see if he was back on there. so the past few nights i didn’t see him on there on until a few nights ago. there he was with his profile i was so upset and filled with rage and all kinds of emotions came over me and couldn’t believe it this asshole! he could of at least had the told me how he felt regardless if he was going to hurt me but at least i would of known the truth esp since i put everything out there and he knew how i felt. even as crazy this all may sound is it foolish of me to think he’ll come around and give me an explanation or chance?

Category: asked January 12, 2015

2 Answers

You cannot make somebody do what you wish. As soon as you give up the 'dream' of having him respond to you--the sooner you'll be able to relax. You did the right thing in asking him. He chose not to answer. That shows you 'who he is.' Believe him. He's the kind of guy who acts and doesn't explain. He's the guy who doesn't explain and re-enters the dating site--like you were never there. Don't let his be okay with you. In your mind, thank him for showing his true colors. And be go about your life.
Unfortunately you have no control over whether he decides to respond to you or not, he could simply be busy and forget to respond to you, but then again thats highly unlikely if it's been a couple of days, maybe even reach out to him once more and then if he doesn't respond then you know he has decided to stop communication with you. I know its hard to accept when you don't even have an explanation, but realistically you just have to accept his choice, yes it sucks, but in the end if he doesn't give you an explanation then he doesn't respect you. Don't get upset over a guy who doesn't have the same respect as you do for him.