quick rant let me know if i’m wrong?


why is it that when people go on here to talk about depression or general life problems they arent open to suggestions? Everyone is different I get that but come on people stop putting yourselves down so much! we are all on here because we hurt, we feel more than others, life is not going our way, etc. But life is so much more than amounting to others standards, being that cool guy, or that skinny girl, or THAT person people strive to be and please someone anyone stop me if i am being to harsh but hey i was once depressed too but realizing that putting myself down and literally taking everyones snickering comments about me doesnt help. it does not help at ALL. live life for you and only you. do what makes YOU happy. dress how you want, talk how you want, be who ever the hell you want because we are only given 100 years. what will you do with those 100 years on this earth?

Category: Tags: asked January 20, 2015

1 Answer

when in a depressed state, nothing seems to be the right answer except the one that the person wants to hear.
they come here to be heard and someone to be there and most of all to hear what they want to hear. thats usally the case with the ones asking the questions.
but its also the people answering the questions too at times. They say it like their words are gold and or they say the wrong words and or their advise just sucks. They should be saying "in my opinion and from what i can understand" and lines like that. its much more inviting to the brain of the depressed person. And the way that they write their answers sometimes just dont click..the wording makes a difference. Hard to explain because everyone has their own wording, so i cant go into detail about that.
and of course sometimes their advise just sucks.
When a person is in their depressed state, everyone really acts differently. Some are LOOKING to hear how amazing they are, and others just want a HUG. Others need advise and others need people to just agree with them even if they are wrong. So that speech of how good they are isnt going to always work, and from what i can tell, it never does. That takes time, they need to hear that mostly when they are not feeling down and upset but when they are happy, because that will stick in their heads. also it will feel more truthful. When you tell it to them when they are down, sometimes their brain would think you are just saying it to make them feel better and its not really true.
im very happy to see you understand that its not a good way to live, but speechifying it to people doesn't really work for everyone...
also if you understand so much that we are all here because we all hurt, than please let themselves feel safe to put themselves down on here, and let us help them. telling them to just stop might make some of them feel their feelings are being rejected. *shrug* thats just how they are sometimes.
hope this helped answer your question. May you live long and prosper