Questions about anxiety


I get very anxious when meeting new people that I may have to impress (like job interviews or just trying to make friends in general). I get very warm, and slightly shaky. And will stay like this for at least ten minutes after wards. Is this normal? If not, should I see a health care professional? Or are there at home/thought process remedies for this?

Category: Tags: asked October 2, 2014

2 Answers

Hi there! This sounds a lot like social anxiety. The problem with anxiety is that it affects you physically as well! Which can, of course, make things more embarrassing. Seeing a professional like a regular social worker or therapist could help you learn to control these issues. Physically, there are little tricks that can help. Deep breathing triggers the relaxation response in your brain, using the sympathetic nervous system. Being healthy helps a lot! Have a good diet, caffeine and sugary foods will make anxiety WORSE! Hours before your interviews, challenge your worries so that you won't worry when you get there : (Is my worry realistic? What is the worst thing that could happen? How could I handle it? Is it really likely to happen?) If you are up at night because of your anxiety, natural medicines/supplements could work. A good cup of Sleepytime Herbal Tea will calm you. It usually has valerian root or melatonin in it, both supplements you can buy in pill form. That's all the advice I can give you but PLEASE DO NOT resort to using drugs or alcohol to help with anxiety! You probably already know but just a reminder :) Good luck!
This is actually very common among people; most people do get a bit anxious when meeting new people or encountering situations of what you have mentioned (impressing others and especially job interviews or the equivalents). Everyone has their own 'symptoms' from getting sweaty, shaky, and even fainting or vomiting. Really the 'cure' is basically resides in your mind and through 'practice' persay. Meaning-start out by talking and meeting people online (here would be a good place-join a group and simply chat). From there branch out until you get more comfortable. You don't have to do something 'wild' like sing at bar or anything haha, just take it slow. It is easier than you think-and it helps if you have people there supporting you and make it fun =3 Good luck! You will be alright~