questionable about life


Sometimes I wonder what’s the point of life? We live to stress about money, jobs, hwhat clothes you have..but in the end, nothing you could possibly own will mean anything. Are we wasting time by having just a minimum job at a retail store? I feel like life is bs kinda. Like I was taught wrong. My bf said the point of life is to “have sex & reproduce”, what happens if I’m not having sex at all, am I just wasting space basically. I want to make a difference..and i feel like that should be what lifes about..make it a better place. I want to help kids who are depressed..but i cant even help myself. When I die, I don’t want to just be some name on the ground everyone walks on, & forgets after a week. Everytime I get a burst of positivity, I feel like everyone shuts me down when I say I want to help people. I’m sick of seeing everyone settle for less, I don’t want to be one of those people saying I wish I did this, or that. My minds a mess with things I don’t get. Blah.

Category: Tags: asked September 19, 2013

5 Answers

Everyone asks themselves this at least once in their lives. I've thought about it a lot and I've come to the conclusion that the point of (your) life is what you make it. This I honestly believe to be absolute, because you see it in everyone. Some people choose to make their life purpose their religion, their career, their family...which I think is all fine, as long it is what they truly want. All too often though, I see people making their life's purpose something they don't want, and they always regret that later on. So I've made a rule for myself that I want to live my life in a way that I won't regret it when I die; that I'm going to go for my dreams and not settle for less. And the wonderful thing about it is that is 100% your choice whether you settle for less or not. My other advice is to try not to worry about other people's life choices or what they make their purpose. Instead, focus on your own so when you do what you truly desire, others may look at you and do the same.
There is no meaning to life. In time, every single one of us will be gone and forgotten. You've got to create your own meaning. Do something that feels important to you, even if it's not important in the grand scheme of things. If you help kids, you're making their meaningless lives at least not completely miserable. We're all here, so even if there's no purpose, we can at least try to feel happy, or at the very least make other people feel happy.
When I hear people say "you have to start living your life" it makes me feel empty and a loser really. but lately I've been thinking.. maybe there isn't such thing as "truly" living your life. I mean we're alive right? and breathing.. so everyone should create their own meaning to it. and I don't think that if we don't reproduce then our life is meaningless no. there's so much to life than leaving an offspring. you can change someone life, you can make someone smile. you can be a monk. really.. it doesn't matter. I just try to enjoy the little things of life (nature etc.)
do not follow a path... go in what ever direction you desire and leave a trail.....your not a tree ya know.. there is no written instruction booklet on how to live your life... so live life on your terms.....if your terms include a sad worthless existance well then, thats on COULD choose to live your life FULL of life yanno !
the point of life is living your life, do things, learn new things, go out and explore the world, have fun with friends etc etc, just don't follow other ppl do what you feel like doing :)