Prom dates.


Me and my boyfriend have been together for just under 2 years. It’s our last year in high school and our proms are coming up, but as we go to different schools we cannot go together. I made it clear to him that it would upset me if he went with anyone. I’d get overly jealous like any girlfriend would. I told him I wouldn’t even think about going with anyone. But I found out recently that he’s going with a girl and he tried to keep it from me. I’ve had problems with him trying to keep things from me in the past, he’s also been dishonest and broke promises. I feel jealous that he’s going with someone and I’m going alone. Am I being selfish? Is it okay that he’s going with someone because it’s his prom and he should have fun? Am I right to be jealous?

Category: asked February 7, 2014

2 Answers

You have the complete right to be jealous. He's your boyfriend afterall. But, since he had kept it hidden from you, there's must be something else going on! You might think this is a tiny pebble, but its a huge boulder, up ahead! So be careful, and expect the worst possible scenario. Talk to him, about it. And if the girl whom he's dancing with is her close friend or so, let him enjoy. Its just for one night. And in my point of view, a relationship should be frank and forward. There's no point of hiding anything. I am with my girl, for 4 months, ik its not that much, but we share each and every single thing, even what we had for dinner! And you're not being selfish. If there's no jealousy, it ain't love! But the way, you just described him, keeping things hidden from you, lies and breaking promises. Then, sorry to say i guess, he's cheating on you. (I hope he doesn't). But before taking any drastic actions, talk to him about it. I hope his ego isn't more than you. :)
It's alright to be jealous but don't ever assume that he is cheating on you. Always ask him directly, and calmly, don't jump to conclusions before you know everything. Explain, Calmly, that you are angry he invited another girl to go instead of you, and more angry that he tried to hide this from you. Be calm, talk to him, and let him know that you understand it's his right to go to prom if he wants to.
Does your high school allow people fro other high schools to buy a ticket or attend with a student? I remember there used to be forms you could fill out that allowed a couple from separate schools to attend prom together. If there aren't any maybe you could meet together for prom and hang out as a group. There are always more things you could do together, perhaps you could meet before prom and then you go to your prom with someone, and he go to his prom with someone.
Most importantly, be calm. Beginning a conversation with anger is one of the quickest ways to begin a fight, and fighting is never healthy. Just talk openly and honestly and calmly encourage him to do the same. perhaps you can work together to find a solution.