Possible ED


I think I have an eating disorder, but I’m not underweight. I’m actually overweight. But I feel regret when I get done eating anything. I can’t even eat 500 calories without hating myself. Even something small. I constantly count calories, weigh myself, and look for new ways to exercise. I feel like I’m too big to talk to my doctor. I’m terrified of feeling judged by my doctor. Can bigger girls get eating disorders? I hate the way I look and I feel like not eating is the only way to lose weight. Please can I have some advice?

Category: Tags: asked May 10, 2013

2 Answers

Eating disorders are entirely independent of size, and your relationship with food definitely sounds like a disordered one. Talk to someone - a doctor, preferably, but I will warn you that underweight people with EDs get "preference" in the treatment system. Still, let someone know. Even if you can't get professional treatment because you "aren't sick enough" (I heard that one several times; it's terrible) they can still help you improve your relationship with food.
Hello! Yes, you can get an eating disorder if you're bigger. There is this misleading idea that only underweight people get eating disorders, because people always seem to associate eating disorders with anorexia. Yet still, even overweight girls can fall into the category of anorexia. Alot of really sick anorexic girls started as overweight, some could've been even obese. All i've got to tell you is that, im sure you're not in a position that you're happy about. And yes, you NEED to talk to your doctor. Maybe tell your mom or anyone you trust about this before talking to your doctor, and then they can take you to the doctor and help you build the courage to tell them. Anyways, not eating is definitely NOT the way to lose weight. It will seriously damage your health if you keep going this way. I suggest you try and get help now before its too late, because if it develops its get bad i tell ya. You do have signs of a possible ED, not sure what it is exactly. But from the restricting, it sounds like anorexia/ednos to me. So please, im begging you, talk to your doctor. Its worth telling her. Im sure they'll understand and help you. Take care! And good luck xo