Poll: How important is it that people type properly?


I know that if what people are saying is good advice then it shouldn’t matter, but honestly, if someone only uses text speak then I don’t feel like they’re taking me seriously. What do you guys say?

Category: Tags: asked October 21, 2014

8 Answers

First, they might be using an onscreen keyboard. Got to keep that in mind as a reason to type like that. There's no difference for them.
As a listener, I can't really annoy venters about how they type without derailing the conversation, so I suck it up.
As a venter, I agree it's doesn't give a good impression, or confidence that you aren't going to waste your time setting up a conversation with this person. And if you don't like it, do try another listener.
In the end, it's mostly your problem to deal with.
IDK its early and i cant english, i would rather read something would good grammer skills than not. Also my first language is french, so. i would have to say i feel like i am taken more seriously if someone is typing properly.
It's one thing to disregard spelling and grammar to such an extent that it becomes annoyingly difficult to read but as long as the message gets through I don't mind someone using abbreviations such as "idk, lol, ik, ok" etc or misspelling and using improper grammar for convenience.

It also depends on the context, for example if somebody was to reply to this question with a couple of sentences does capitalization and proper use of periods and commas really matter? On the other hand if you're writing a longer post on a forum containing several paragraphs of information then it makes sense to be more proper with your use of language and your layout.
The use of good grammar is important to me. Even though I appreciate the small comments on a post, when I cannot interpret what someone else is saying (u s k bby, etc.), I want to just delete the comment due to irrelevance and improper use of the English language. But as long as someone is there to respond and give me advice that is all I care about. When I am responding to someone, I try to use the best grammar I have so the person can understand.
It just doesn't give a good impression. I understand it should not matter that much, but text is all we really see when we communicate, so I think it's best to use it appropriately according to situation :3

I agree that it matters a lot. Typos happen of course, and text speak is always changing. Personally, I would rather read something well thought out where I am not trying to decipher what every second word means. Through text, all we see are words, so I definitely think it makes a better impression.

I would think it also matters what type of relationship you have with the other person/audience. If it's a forum post, then yes I would think it better to be in paragraphs. If you're texting your bestie of 43532955 years, then it really wouldn't matter if your relationship allows it; my best friend and I talk in emojis and caps so yeah...

That's just me though :)

I think it's really important to know how to type properly (especially when you need to be formal or are trying to make a good impression on someone), but it's okay to be more casual with your writing depending on the situation. I typically always write with proper grammar and spelling, but if I'm talking to my close friends in emails or IM I will slip in to chat speak and shorthand.
The ability to clearly convey a thought is highly important. If you can not be arsed to put effort into your typing, then that says a host of negative things about your dedication to the conversation itself.

I would not trust a txt-er with an important issue because txt is a lazy form of writing and I would never trust a personal problem to a lazy writer, because that makes them a lazy communicator.

When I come to BlahTherapy to listen to people, I (tend) to make certain that my head is in it, so that I communicate well to the Venter and give them informed, rational advice. (Though I have been guilty of typing impatient replies on days when I had a headache. I get migraines.) I do my very best to not log on to BlahTherapy if I am not reasonably certain that I can be helpful that day.

But our diction and our grammar are representative of our thoughts and our ability to convey them. If we can not get our written (or typed) thoughts in order, how can we expect another person to take them seriously? Holding one's communication to a higher standard and demanding clarity of thought is never a bad thing.

That being said. Communication is a preference. If someone is okay talking to a txt-er, then they can not be faulted for being comfortable with that method of communication. It may seem vulgar and irritating, but people are different.