People Who cheat..


Genuinely curious, and I’m not judging anyone, but i’m interested to know, when you cheat on someone, what is going through your head? or even if you’ve thought about cheating but didn’t, i just want to know what is so tempting to see another person aside from your partner? I’ve talked to some people and it’s purely the thrill factor, but also I want to know if you have or considered telling your partner or think it’s better to put it in the back of your head? I’ve been cheating on, so I just want to know what is going through one’s head. I know everyone’s different but I think there is a common similarity in thoughts.

Everyone is welcome to put their opinions whether you’ve been cheating on, or cheated or neither!

Category: Tags: asked June 25, 2014

9 Answers

I thought about it, because I thought it might even the playing field. I guess I realized that pain isn't zero-sum. We could both be in separate pain, and neither of us would feel better knowing we were responsible for the pain of another.
Well..honest answer...I am in a relationship and have been cheating in it. It perhaps begins with the thrill factor. But personally for me, if I have been in a relationship for a long time, I do get the feeling of "being taken for granted" or even taking the relationship for granted. This is the time when you get some sort of attention (maybe a lil more than attention) from someone else, you naturally get drawn to it. My opinion - I think monogamy is overrated and its an old concept which hasnt changed (except some cultures). Same goes for marriage. Having said that, I have often considered walking out of my current relationship by telling all to my partner...guess i havent had the courage to do so ...yet.
I wonder from personal experience if the physical cheating is the same as emotional cheating. Also if the emotional cheating if happens more than once will eventually lead to the physical.
Hi Brandy...I think (and again, just my opinion) any kind of cheating is cheating. I have been through stages where the mind plays tricks on me to justify the cheating. Its usually the guilt which comes along with it. More than the one who cheats, I think this question is best answered by the who is being cheated on
I am the one that was cheated on. I have been married for almost six years and the first five years something happened every year. He never went past the flirting through phone or computer but it has been devastating. The last time was the worst. It has been a year this month since anything has happened but I always worry about it. We have a blended family and I would be left with five children and alone. I love him but I think I will always wonder if he is going to need more. I know that I am also to blame for not leaving. I have made it very clear that I will not go through it again. I am just not sure if I will ever let it go.
This is why I don't believe in monogamy. Someone can love you and still want to have sex with other people. Sex doesn't always equal love. I can't believe people consider flirting cheating. I'm bi and my fiancé and I see other women. We love, trust and respect each other. We encourage each other to be happy!
It is people following sexual passion- weather its ok or not is dependent on your own morals.
I think I want to throw in this opinion to things I've heard others say about putting down monogamy in this conversation. Cheating does not only happen in monogamous relationships. Cheating is what you decide it is between you and your partner(s). If you're in a polygamous relationship, it's up to you and your partners to discuss how you allow others into that relationship whether it's closed or open among other factors.
Well I have been cheated on and it sucked. I honestly 100% believe that he did it to stroke his ego. With cheating I think there are 1000000 different reasons why someone may make the actual decision to cheat but bottom line is that they were being selfish and did not put their partners emotions ahead of their own. I have cheated and I can totally admit that. I think that when someone cheats they quite obviously do not care about how the other person will feel. That's that. You WOULD NOT do something that you know will devastate someone you genuinely care about. It all boils down to being selfish and immature.