Path to feeling happy


For some reason I can’t feel happy. Things are basically well in my life (some minor things that are not great), but I don’t feel good, happy or calm. Instead I deal with nagging anxiety, a sad feeling and become irritable pretty easily. I appreciate any advice or thoughts. I don’t want to waste my life away waiting to be happy and I feel lost because that’s what seems to be happening.

Category: Tags: asked February 4, 2014

3 Answers

First of all, there are chemicals in your brain associated with happiness, and if those are out of whack, it makes it almost impossible to 'just get over it and grab life by the nuts.' Get that checked out first, and if you're currently on anti-depressants and feel they aren't working for you, keep trying. It's a delicate balancing act taking place in the most misunderstood and complex organ of your body. As far as behaviour, all I can tell you is what worked for me. Get out. Get out of your house, your apartment, wherever you are, and do things. Your body will protest. Your mind will try to enforce laziness, because we're naturally programmed to resist true change. Find a friend you trust who will get out alongside you and go hiking, or volunteer at an animal shelter. Oh, and write. I had a terrible childhood, and the only thing that kept me sane through it and my early twenties was writing in a fantasy world I'd been concocting in my mind since I was ten. Knowing that unhappiness is a cycle, I just sort of poured it all onto my fictional characters rather than the people around me. The result is something like Game of Thrones in space, but whether that's good or bad, it worked. On a final note, make sure the real life people you surround yourself with aren't dragging you down, morally, financially, or emotionally. It's better to have a handful of good dependable friends than a hundred crappy ones.
Try to recall when you first started feeling anxious. There is a reason behind it. You just have to examine it so you can figure it out. It could be people related, it could be you were wounded and you never healed from that. Just try to figure out what you're truly so afraid of. You have the answer deep inside of yourself. Overcoming the fear is the first step.
I do write and paint, which are good outlets. Just deciding to take life by storm and be a happy guy just doesn't work for me... Well maybe for a few minutes or more sometimes. I probably should force myself to get out more - good advice. I have a. Lot of control over when I can work from home if it ant which has been easy to do.Thanks for the advice!