Party for One?


I feel like I’ve been posting a lot but honestly this is the only outlet I have right now so I hope you guys understand. Anyways, if anyone has read my posts from before about me wanting to move away from my community college because I can’t stand those people anymore…well there’s no possible way I can do that unless I drop out which, I obviously can’t do. It’s getting seriously so difficult. I forgot to tell you guys that I used to have a best friend and she still goes there and its so hard to see her walk by without even acknowledging me anymore. I don’t even know what I did :( I tried talking to her but all she ever does is hang out with her new best friend who I guess is so much better than me. I feel so alone. I used to go to her with all of my problems and now I’m about to burst. I feel like a useless person and my birthday is on Monday and I think I’m going to spend it alone…ugh. I just want things to be better. But I don’t know how. I feel like I’m asking the same question as I have before but…I’m getting desperate and I’m so poor its not even funny. Any suggestions or words of encouragement? I feel like things have to get better, right?

asked September 19, 2013

2 Answers

Of course things get better. Honestly, I know a million people probably have told you 'it's alright' and 'things will change' but it really, really will.

Get you head down with your work and concentrate on being happy with yourself. Positivity is the key trust me. Once you start seeing things more positively then things will get better.

As for your friend all I can say is that if she treats people the way she treats you you're better off without her. There are millions of people in the world and there are better friends than that. :)

Keep your chin up and think positive and things will change.
Hey i think your best friend sounds like a biotch and you just need to get yourself out there, make new friends, and have fun! Try joining clubs and new things in which you can meet new people! That best friend of yours was completely worthless don't even think about her! And For your birthday, is there any way you could possibly go home to your family at all? BTW HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3