“Oneitis” dreams crushed, how do I move on?


For those that do not know what Oneitis means, here’s a definition “Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special”

Long story short, all year this girl sends signals to me, I develop “oneitis” for her based on that and when i’m about to make a move she suddenly has a BF. So basically now I feel really depressed and the only thing that made me look forward to going to school all year has gone out the trash.

I know I have to accept it and move on but I don’t know how to approach it. I’m going to be seeing her on most days anyway (not to mention if I see her and her bf… ugh) and to be honest she is better than most women I meet. I don’t know what to do to move on.

Category: asked August 21, 2013

2 Answers

I'm sorry this happened to you. I know it's rough. Take a deep breath, for starters. It will be hard, but as her friend and someone that cares deeply for her, you must care a lot for her happiness. If she's happy with her new BF, please try to be happy for her. Continue to be her friend and show her you care about her. If things don't end up working out with her and her new BF, maybe then you will get another chance. It's not about "moving on", but just moving past a missed opportunity. When one door closes, another opens - remember that. Just try to stay positive and know that you have not lost your friend. No one knows what the future holds.
You're all in high school I'm guessing, high school relationships don't typically last that long. You still have a chance. If you're a G, you'd stick real close by to her and continue to flirt a bit and show interest while at the same time acting like you're not interested by also flirting with other girls.

Don't allow this to make you "depressed", make this your project. Don't dwell on her alone, but allow her to see how awesome you are even while she's dating this other guy. By the time the relationship with her and her bf are over, she'll snap right on to you for you to swoop and take the rebound.