ok, is it ok that when you try just to talk to your ex you end up haveing sex?

6 Answers

If you've decided to break up with him, then continuing to sleep together is only going to confuse and complicate things more. I'm not sure why you both broke up, but if you've determined he's not the right person, or not treating you well, why does he get the same benefits as someone who is right for you or who is treating you well? If you don't break this off, one or both of you will end up getting hurt. Eventually one of you will find someone else, and the other is going to be left in the lurch to suddenly have to deal with all the feelings you're trying to avoid by sleeping together. You're also closing yourself off from the opportunity of finding someone else as long as you have lingering feelings for him. If you really need to talk, you should just talk on the phone. Or only agree to meet up in a public place and try to avoid spending time alone with him. Hope this helps! Good luck!
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There's a reason why he is your ''EX''. It can only be ok if the two of you all are consenting to it. But just know that when the time comes for you to have a real conversation it'll seem hard to do so because sex always get in the way.
I think it's unhealthy to associate yourself with him for this exact reason; sex is never just sex. It comes with emotional complications that are felt by the girl more often than not. Assuming you still have feelings for him, having intercourse with him will result in you feeling used and worthless. Even if you enjoy sex, you'll still feel dissatisfied because you were hoping that more would come out of it.
Dont sleep with your ex... Its awkward and weird and it definately does confuse things. You should be wanting to get over your ex.. and sleeping with them is not helping you get over them.
Yes it is ok, It happened to me. Think of it a perhaps a final display of affection. =\
Don't. It'll just re-open wound that'll make it harder to heal. Like picking at a scab, with a knife. Not going to end well.