Obsessed with best friend?


Hiya, I need some help
Me and my best friend are really close and we’ve been friends for years. We used to hang out all the time and we talk everyday. But recently she’s been noticing a change in my behaviour saying I’m clingy and obsessed with her. She hates the fact I like to text her all the time and always want to see her. I also get jealous when she hangs out with other people and it makes me sad and anxious. She has a boyfriend now that she always hangs out with so I’m upset I don’t see her as much anymore. I just need some advice as I don’t want to be an obsessive clingy friend. I just want to stay a good friend and get over the obsessive texting and feelings I have. It’s ruining our friendship as she hates the constant messages and my behaviour.

any advice?


Also I’m a female and she is female and I always thought I was straight but now having second thoughts…..

Category: Tags: asked January 5, 2014

6 Answers

wow first of all i super admire how honest you were with everything you said. i understand these feelings, not a lot of people i talk to have experienced it. Honestly i cant comment on if it's a question in your sexuality, that is a very personal discovery. but i can say that it IS a difficult thing when we begin to lose a friend, and when they do something like call you clingy its even harder. Pm me if you need.
Hi, you totally remind me of myself 3 months ago. My friend was an elementary school teacher, female, age 25. I was a high school student, female, age 17. We would hang out and stuff but I always noticed that I would be the first to text or to initiate a meeting. I was obsessed with her. I was also confused about my sexuality, and because of my obsession and impatience when she didn't text back right away, I made the stupid move of telling her that I liked her. Baaaaad idea. We are not friends anymore, and, 3 months later, it still hurts me to think about her. So anyway, my biggest insight on this situation is that when you get overly attached or impatient, you tend to take stupid risks. I know I would do anything to get her back as my friend. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't have contacted her as often and would have accepted that sometimes she's just busy or something. Patience is key in this sort of situation If you want more specific advice you can message me, and please, don't take unnecessary risks. It will only hurt you in the future.
It sounds no different to a girl obsessing over a new boyfriend. When you get the urge to text so much, get busy! Go find something to occupy your time. She's given you some boundaries in the sense that she needs space from the texting etc. You will have to respect her wishes. You can still be a good, loyal friend by giving her space and touching base every now and then to keep the friendship going. If she valued you, she will respect your efforts. An I agree with Cerulean - patience is the key! Good Luck, thoughts with you!
Thank you! I wish I didn't feel this close I really don't, it is ruining our friendship, she's my best friend who I really don't want to lose I just wish I could become less attached and not get so anxious wanting to text her all the time and constantly thinking of stuff to say to make conversation with her. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels alone, i just wish there was an easy solution.
You probably just think that you might lose your best friend. I went through the same with mine a couple years back. The fact is, it might seem that way right now but it isn't true. You guys are still best friends and will stay best friends. It just takes a little time to adjust. :)
Last year, I had a crush on my friend and was practically obsessed with her. Since I had always just assumed that I was straight, I was pretty freaked out that I liked her. I found that if I just waited for her to text me first, I didn't come off as obsessive to her. You should do the same.