Never went to an event


I was supposed to volunteer for an organization to help do bingo in my town. the day was on june first.
i could go until i figured out that i had to be at my dad’s and my dad never lets me go anywhere, even when its an important event like this.
i didn’t tell him until the day of. he was at work at the time and i texted him. he never answered. me and my siblings were supposed to go to church that day also but it was storming really bad so we didnt go.

i asked my sister what i should do and she said that i should talk to his wife but i decided not to since it was storming and since we weren’t going to go to church , she wouldn’t take me to bingo either.

Earlier in the day, my teacher called me to remind me about the bingo event and i told him that i didn’t have a ride there and he paused and told me to figure something out.

I feel bad for not going because i said i would be there. it seems like everytime i sign up for things like this, something comes up and i can’t go or i don’t have a ride there.

its really frustrating, it feels like people view me as unreliable. It seems like i get their hopes up and just crash them down later.

Category: asked June 4, 2013

1 Answer

Don't stress too much about this. We all have incidents and issues that arise and get in the way of our plans. If you feel badly about letting others down, just be honest with them and apologize.