Never had any ‘firsts’


So i am 18 and never experienced anything with boys before…i haven’t even had my first kiss. Everytime someone talks about their relationship or i see a couple it kills me a little. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Category: Tags: asked July 3, 2013

2 Answers

We all grow, learn, and experience things at our own pace. Don't be quick to assume that you're alone in this situation. I've been teaching 17 years and this is a common topic with many students that come to talk with me. Your time will come. And when it does, I know it will have been worth the wait. Enjoy time with friends. When in groups of both guys and girls, make small talk with some of the guys. When it is meant to happen, it will. It's wonderful to see that you don't need a guy to define who you are. Many guys will be attracted by that fact. Best wishes. You are the perfect you!
I'm exactly the same as you. But I know whenever it does happen its going to be a moment that lasts a lifetime!