never been in a relationship?


I’m a 20 year old female, i’ve never been in love/in a relationship/ had sex. I really want to but feel that i have put it off for so long that i’m so nervous, anxious and shy.

I have kissed before but i know that i am a bad kisser.

Please help

Category: Tags: asked June 27, 2014

3 Answers

When you meet the right person, they'll be patient with you and understand. It'll happen one day :)Try not to worry about kissing, you'll get better with practice. Everyone does.In the mean time, you could maybe just try putting your energy into having fun with your friends... when we relax like that suddenly fantastic things can happen in your love life.
every one of us will come in that in the right time and place just wait for that moment dont get excited too much because it may overdrive you to your unexpected fate ..sorry for the english im not that good haha :) just helping add ne on facebook
I think there should be nothing wrong or shameful in not dating or having any sexual relations with someone yet, at your age. To be honest, you're at a time in your life where you will probably be more ready, and you will be able to have a meaningful relationship with someone, not full of high school bullshit. If there is one piece of advice I could give to you, it is to just be yourself. People will come and go out of your life but the ones who stay are true to you. Be comfortable with who you are and someone will come along :). The person who is your soulmate or someone you want to be with for the rest of your life will be there and guide you through things, and everything will be so comfortable. Just slowly start putting yourself out there!