Need to boost confidence driving


I need to go on a long drive by myself tomorrow and I’m not confident driving at all. I worry about fucking up constantly and I need to get out of that rut so I can actually drive without having an anxiety attack every time I sit in a drivers seat. I just want some advice or tips that’ll help me relax.

asked September 3, 2014

1 Answer

Hello. You just need to seriously boost the confidence! Tell yourself youve driven before, youve passed the driving tests, you were trusted to go that distance by yourself etc. One of my friends would recite the driving rules as he was doing that particular thing. So, turning right at stop sign. Came to full stop. Turning signal is on. Checked and re checked to make sure the road was clear. Complete turn. Etc... that may help? Keep your head up and eyes open and you'll be fine. Listen to a radio station you like. Keep the phone away. Follow the rules. Relax. You know what you're doing. You have a car, or were trusted with one, so others also believe in you! I hope some of those ideas will help you. Have a safe trip! All the best etc.