need some advice please help


Alright so its like I know a person. He is in my class and I would say he is very naive and gullible. He has a bad lot of company here I mean that he has all those friends who I think do support him for all the wrong stuffs. He is very good in games but very poor in studies. So everytime mostly in the math and IP classes he bunks the class. He also got very low grades in the exams too. One of his friend is a failure. He is repeating the same class I know him too not so closely though, but I feel like he is not a good guy. So I decided that I would sit with him for the whole day so that I can keep an eye over him and make him study. He respects me and follow whatever I say and when I am with he pays attention to studies too but today at the last period he and his friend still bunk the class. It was our practical period and he missed that. I got quite angry on him and decided that I can’t help him cause he doesn’t want to help himself so what in this world can I do for him. But I feel quite bad inside my heart cause I know that he needs some good company like that of me. Please tell me what should I do!!! I am totally confused.

Category: asked September 25, 2014

2 Answers

It seems to me you answer this one yourself :) you can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped. Us guys are idiots we are born to do dumb stuff, but no matter how you help us it doesn't work unless we ourselves grow up and pray that it wasn't too late to realize our mistake. My suggestion is focus on yourself if he comes around great! If not then you have to realize you can't do anything to help him. I hope this helps good luck on your studies!!!
Hi there. My approach is completely different from Mj1993's. I definitely wouldn't put the entire responsability of what he does or doesn't do on yourself, so in that respect, yes, don't forget about yourself, but change doesn't happen overnight! You can't expect that if you sit with him two or three times he'll change. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment. You can though try to make him see why he should study. Help him find a career or a goal, so that he has something to look forward to. I think most importantly, don't treat him like a charity case. If he feels you're helping him only because you feel sorry for him, he'll shut you out himself. It's great you want to help, but don't feel responsible for it. All the best etc.