Need help with listening?


Hello everybody. I’ve been wanting to start helping people by listening to people on this site but I’m afraid to give it a chance. I like listening to people because i know how much it hurts when i want someone to listen to me and no one is there so I’d like to reach out and help but I’m scared that I’ll encounter something that’s really bad and i can’t talk the person through it or I’ll end up with a situation that I’ve never even imagined was possible and i wont know what to say to that person… I don’t want to make someone’s bad situation worse by not being there or saying the wrong thing… Any comments or tips?

Category: Tags: asked October 16, 2013

1 Answer

If a problem is particularly difficult then all you can do is explain to the other person that you are there for them. That you will indeed listen but that you can not give them advice as you are ill equipped to do so. Listen to their story and ask them to talk to a professional. What else can you do?