My parents hate me, someone help


I’m 14 and a female my mom calls me all these names all the time. I hate it, I try to stay strong but it hurts me. I want to kill myself because of her. I have thought about it but I want to live. Just without her. I love her but I hate how she makes me cry myself to sleep. I told her this and dhe just started yelling at me and it got out of hand. I’m a good kid, I get straight A’s, I don’t do drugs. But she thinks I’m an ugly fat brace face four eyes lesbian that’s is stupid which I’m not. Please someone help me.

Category: Tags: asked August 7, 2014

7 Answers

Your mother should be there for you but it seems that she doesn't want to. If trying to talk things out doesn't work then maybe its not meant to be talked out? I know how you feel. Its the same with my mother. I can't talk to her without her getting angry and making it about her. I gave up. And i thought about how things would be and figured that I could live without her. If she cant be a mother who is she to you then? Its complicated when it comes to family but when trying doesn't work then just do things for yourself. With or without them.
think happy thoughts. Whenever my mom would start getting angry i'd go away somewhere. i try to think that her feeble attempts to dishearten me is quite funny and won't take effect because i know myself better than what she thinks she knows about me.go out. or go away for a few hours, i just came back when im hungry LOL.
I agree.What your mother is doing is extremely wrong and a mother should always be there for her kid...has she gone through any bad experience since you were born,how is her own life going on?..maybe there is something that's bugging her and she is really upset and she is taking out all of that on you,its possible..It's not fair though but if she is indeed having some problems on her own she should express it to your mother would hate or dislike her kid intentionally in my view..
I agree with what everybody is saying... luckily my mom has always been there for me however; my mom was verbally and physically abused growing up until she got into the foster system. She would go in her room and listen to music and have very minimal contact with her father. Try just either shuting out what contact you can wth her, or maybe even try getting on her good side, by maybe doing the dishes or extra chores. What I reccomend doing first is ty to see her side. Maybe she doesn't think you don't do enough around the house? Example: my dad keeps prying at me to pay rent even though I can't afford it because he thinks I don't do enough around the house, even though I work full time and pay for school on my own. Not sure what state your in or what the laws are there, but you can at somepoint get emancipated. Obviously your going to have to wait until you can hold down a job and prove you can support yourself, but it's an option. If you can't see her side than maybe get the police involved.... BUT BE CAREFUL WITH THAT OPTION. If you get them involved and they can't do anything then it will just make it worse for you.
I am kind a going through the same thing right now and I also didnt know what to do. I think you and your mum should have a talk about this, and you should try to exaplain to her that you dont feel good when she calls you all these names, and anything else thata you don't like. Your mum will understand. And if that doesn't help and she still doesn't change then i think you should avoid talking to her at least a little bit. But i wouldnt recomend that unless you know she doesn't understand and she just keep continues doing that. I am sure your mum loves you and she doesn't mean to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. Trying to kill yourself because of this isn't right, there is always something you can do about this. I hope everything goes well and you and your mum get along again :)
My advice to you is this: You get straight A's right? That's all you need. You are independent. Your freedom is your future. You can get into a good univerisity and move away the moment you graduate high school. You will be able to get financial aid, and student loans, and you won't need your mom's support at all. Start looking at what college you want to go to and start calling your own shots. Because you're in charge of your life, and why let some abusive person drag you down and influence your future. The moment you no longer need her for support, is the moment you can start defining the relationship however you want.
I'm going through something very similar with my mom. If your school has started, try to talk to your counseler because they really do help. Maybe talk to your dad about it and see if he can help.