My only friend and i’m pushing her away


My pretty much only friend has just recently started dating and her girlfriend has depression ever since they started dating she has been getting sadder and sadder and has even begun to cut, she hardly talks to me anymore unless it’s her moaning about how hard her life is or if its to show me her cuts. She almost acts proud about them and is always showing them off. This is really triggering for me as I cut and I’m finding that I have to distance myself from them as it is becoming a toxic environment for me. i have trouble when it comes to talking about feeling and such but does anyone have any ideas how i could talk to her about cover them up. Or do you think i am being unreasonable.

Category: Tags: asked September 26, 2013

2 Answers

If she's your best friend then she should at least be willing to listen, and she shouldn't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. Don't ever be afraid to tell someone how you feel. As far as her not talking to her as much, I know how hard that can be. I have been replaced a lot of times with my friends with new boyfriends/girlfriends. It's one of those things that happens when someone enters a new relationship. Just try not to take it personally. Just be there for her when she needs you. That's all you can really do. I hope things work out for you, and please stop cutting...there are so many healthier ways to deal with pain. :-(
Be there for her when she needs you. You both need help and you should try helping each other out. It must be hard but you're not going to lose anything if you try. You will get past this. You can always talk to someone here. Stay strong and take care <3