My Little Sister


okay so me and my little sister dont have the best relationship, i would like to change that but i don’t really know how i try to talk to her but she usually ignores me. she is 13 how do i get this kid understand…? i just want her to have a big sister to go to like i did

Category: asked September 17, 2013

4 Answers

I'm the youngest, and I have two older sisters. Though our relationship is better now when we were younger it wasn't the such. Me and my oldest sister always had a good relationship just because we had similar personalities, but if you can drive I would suggest just taking her somewhere. Somewhere to eat/mall etc. I would do that with my sister often and just hang out that way. Keep in mind though that she is a teenager. They are bound to go through fluctuating emotions but I would just say be there for her when she needs it. But for now I would say you should have a lunch date or something like that just so it's one on one.
lure her in with like icecream, if shes happy she'll prob wanna listen! good luck!
I think you should find out what she likes. If she likes sports, maybe take her to a game or play with her. Or take her to get her hair/nails done. Even if you don't like it but you put forth an effort she will probably notice. I personally like to make cookies with my siblings. Start out with smaller things at first don't overwhelm her. She might not respond well if you tell her that you want a better relationship with her. If you just start out by doing small fun things with her I think that'd help build a good foundation for your relationship. If you are open with her then chances are she will eventually open up to you. She should be able to feel like she can come to you with anything and everything no matter what; to me that's one of the most important things in a relationship. I have 3 older sisters and I wish I had them to go to when I was younger. If you really try to make this happen I believe you can, and later I think she will grateful and realize how much you mean to her. I hope this helps, and good luck!
My older sister tried this on me a while ago, and it worked quite well. Everyone is different so you'll have to tweak and change things to suit yourself and her, but this is what I can think of. Don't start of really pushy. Ask questions about school and what movies or books she likes. Once you've gotten conversations going, introduce things about your life and how you feel. Then go places and see films and eat meals together. Eating together is a great way to develop relationship, and to get to know someone. Overall take it slowly. Ask questions and answer any you encounter. Have fun with it too. Being a sister is supposed to be fun, not just worry! I hope you two are able to get the ball rolling :)