My bf pushes me away sometimes and I don’t get it …


We’ve been together for three months. We are in an LDR and we talk ALL the time so there is usually never any worries for not talking to each other. We both keeping in contact with each other frequently and we’re both clingy and I don’t mind it at all. I’m very happy with him and he says he’s very happy with me.

What confuses me is, I really worry and wonder about him sometimes. He goes through these periods, sometimes a night, sometimes a few nights, where he seems to really push me away and I get nervous and scared. When I do ask him about it, if everything’s okay or if there’s anything he needs to talk about, he says he’s fine, that everything’s okay.

When this happens, like tonight he really does seem to have this closed off atmosphere like he pushes me away and I get really confused. I get terrified because I have been cheated on before. He cheated once before he said but a long time ago when he was a lot younger.

Tonight, he hadn’t been on and he usually calls me right away and we literally talk all night because we are that close, and I was worried and hadn’t heard from him, and I was worried until my friend told me he was on the game we play and he hadn’t messaged me on skype … These kind of nights scare me because he will say like he didn’t notice me come on,etc.

We have a very strong foundation and bond and it really hurts when this happens. I get confused thinking did I say or do something. Should I pull away to let him be for awhile? Do I ask him but what if I bother him? I get so scared and nervous and I really need someones help and advice on this.

Category: asked August 8, 2014

2 Answers

I understand how you feel ive been going through the same for quite a long time with my partner.. its even more scary when you think you cant talk to him about it just incase he gets even more distant from you, but i think if its making you feel like this you need to put that fear at the back of your mind just a bit and maybe suggest doing something together and subtly drop how ur feeling in to the conversation. I know your scared and you dont want to lose him but you need to consider how you feel too... you never know he might even tell you whats bothering him when he sees that your there for him.. it might be a problem his going through. You both need a good little chat and cuddle together and things will start to become more clear to you and even him.
Hello, i can relate with your situation. Im in an LDR too. ill keep my advice simple and concise, if he loves you and you love him too, you can make it work. The best thing you can do is communicate with him. No pretensions. Be honest and dont try to conceal how you truly feel. let him know exactly so he can do something about it before its too late to do anything. Oh and hes your bf, be open to him Good luck :)