Moving on?


So a few months ago my friend got into big trouble. Lots of people thought he was trying to hurt kids in my high school even though I’m POSITIVE he wasn’t and now he’s gone and I can’t really talk to him and everyone else has moved on. Almost like it never happened. How do I do that? I just keep reliving it and everything I’ve done with him and I can’t let go. Please, anyone have advice on how to move on???

Category: Tags: asked August 20, 2013

2 Answers

You have to remember just 'cause everyone has moved on, doesn't mean they have forgotten. People like to process things in their own way. You just have to try and assess the situation, what happened, and try and live with it. I know it's not the best advice, but it's the best you can do. It's never easy to try and get over a substantial situation in your life, and it's hard when you can't speak to the one person you want to. My ex didn't speak to me for a full year solid, and yes he was my ex but it was so hard to move on. Not once we spoke. I filled the void by keeping occupied with my friends and focused on school and work, and it's really all you can do. Hope things work out for ya. X
I have found that a very common thread in this sort of situation is hurt from being left, whether that means dying, losing contact, shunning, moving, etc.It's very important that, even though no harm may have been caused intentionally, you forgive the person for leaving, you forgive the situation for happening, and most importantly, you forgive yourself for allowing something to take away your peace.The act of forgiving is the declaration that it is no longer your problem. It states your will of moving forward. It's very hard to forgive at times, so just saying it over and over often will have its effect, and more meaning will build up behind it, causing more change.Once you feel like all is forgiven, you want to do the same, but replacing "forgive" with "heal." You want to affirm that you are actively healing whatever was wrong inside yourself; that you are changing things from negative to positive.when you feel you are healed, to the same thing, affirming love. why would you love something that hurt you? Because at this point, you now see that has done nothing but improved you. It has caused space for you to grow and become stronger and wiser :)Highest blessings on your path <3