Managing my Manager


I work at a Michael’s craft store. This is my first job and I’ve only had it for three months. When I first started I imeaditly asked for the entirety thanksgiving week off. I figured I wouldn’t get the time off however I wanted to be able to see my family for thanksgiving. Well the computer came back and said the time off had been accepted. Recently I went to my manager to confirm the dates and her response? “No way in hell your taking all thanksgiving week off if you want this job. I sure as hell didn’t accept that.” She is the highest manager. It is in the computer as time off…what should I do? As a timid person arguing is not what I want to do…

Category: asked October 28, 2014

1 Answer

Show her the facts. Rehearse what you'd like to say to her prior to speaking with her so you are more able to focus when debating the topic. Remember to be firm, but not aggressive with her.