Looking for answers to why I am always soo lonely


I always feel like I’m all alone and no1 wants to be around me. I have some friends and know a real lot of people but still i cant seem to shake this inferiority complex, even after rebuilding new friends after getting clean. I feel like this is sorta my destiny to be alone and unaccomplished, and that I’m more or less completely worthless with life in general. I haven’t been in a relationship in years and have given up all hope that I will meet someone who would even give me the chance due to my having no teeth and being homeless right now. I am no longer shy with people unless it is girls I find attractive or if I’m in a situation like group meetings and have to have the focus shined on me exclusively……there is a girl I really like a lot right now but there are many obstacles that stand in my way indelibly it seems. I am undeterred and wanna see it through but it keeps bringing up thoughts of being inferior to obtaining what I truly desire….IDK but i do know that I can use some advice and support on what i should do about feeling so lonely and I really could use some advice for my frustrations with girls and inability to actually follow through with my attempts to actually make something with them….I have a lot of personal issues and stuff going on so I’d love to have some support and friends who I can confide in….

Category: asked January 28, 2014

3 Answers

i think you should work more on making you feel good about yourself in other ways. it seems like you define how 'worthy of life' you are by what others think of you. Try to do things you are good at so you can get the impression in your core that you matter and you are okay, when you do something you like to do and get more confident, it will shine out from you. and girls love confident guys who show that they don't need others and love themselves :)perhaps try getting good at a new hobby? Try saving up some money to get yourself a place to stay, but also save some money to buy you a new set of teeth. (i think it's possible). if you make your appearance more soothing to what YOU think (maybe it's the teeth, or work out or something) it will also boost your core confidence ;)You can do it!
Congratulations on getting clean! That must have been a hard road!If you can feel confident around girls you like, go into the same place when talking to others. Confidence will draw people in. Girls love a confident guy. You shouldn't feel inferior to others, because you aren't. You're on an upwards road here! If you can get clean, nothing's stopping you from moving forward. Try to make a plan. What's the next step? A job? Get a place? You need a plan. You said you have friends, so are you close enough to one of them to talk? If not, try the vent chat here. You could meet someone who is willing to keep in contact with you to see you through your tough spot.I think you have enormous potential, and you should take things slow. A relationship may not be the solution to your inferiority complex. Try to stay confident, and don't doubt yourself.All the best etc.
This may sound weird, but sometimes we need to be lonely. specially when dealing with personal issues. it's nice to have someone to support you and stuff. but in the end you have to deal with it yourself. and they can't really do much. try to be happy and stay happy and you'll notice more people would want to be around you. :) <3