

I’m starting 9th grade and I’m really lonely. I don’t have many friends. Any tips on how to find someone who I can be in a relationship with ( please note I am a boy)? I know it’s a dumb question but I’d appreciate it if you took the time to answer.

Category: asked August 19, 2013

2 Answers

no question is dumb!
(Assuming you are American) You would be starting high school! I have to say truthfully that every person's experience with school is different. Some people say its the best time of your life, but i personally did not enjoy it that much. So what does this mean? It means that you personally should make the best out of it and try to break your loneliness! There are tons of school activities, clubs, and social cliques that you should consider joining. Depending on your interests you should surround yourself with people of the same interests! You should meet people that like the same things as you, and you should get along just fine! Just keep in mind that the world isn't perfect, and that maybe where you live right now isn't the best place for you to make friends. That's okay too! The world is vast, and i promise you will not be lonely for very long. Give it your best shot, and see if there's someone in your school that can fill your void!
I'd say slow down fella! Focus on forming friendships first! They say marrying your best friend is the best marriage you'll have in the end. You've gotta look to your strengths, what your interests are, and try and immerse yourself with people who like the same, for example; if you are interested in art, join an art club!
It's incredibly difficult pursuing people who you have nothing in common with, so figuring out what you have to offer is a very good start to finding someone to begin something with. I'd also like to say, that being lonely doesn't justify you being ready to be in a relationship, you need to work on your social aspects, talking to everyone you get the opportunity to, focus on improving your socialness and understanding of how to start up conversations, and keep them going.
You're bound to form a relationship along the line, make sure you're ready for it. Although the lonely shy persona is cute and endearing amongst many people, confidence is what will open doors for you and push you into conversations that you'd never find yourself in, even feigning confidence is a good start to becoming and feeling confident. Confidence is a huge key and is half the mile travelled in forming friendships! If you don't believe you can find a friend, or something more with someone, you most likely won't!