Ladies, I need advice on what girls like and, look for in us men.


I’ve never been in a relationship with a girl before because no one really cared for me. Do women like a guy with a calm out of the box personality? How would I tell a lady I liked her without any awkward tension? Also what would be a good starting conversation to attract a girl? If I had a car would it help me if I had a lady of my own? Do ladies also like different guys? I just feel like I am not good at talking to women at all because I’m afraid they might be more shy of me if I were to ask a lady out.

Category: asked September 5, 2015

6 Answers

Do women like a guy with a calm out of the box personality?

It depends, everybody is different. But there for sure are women who would like that.

How would I tell a lady I liked her without any awkward tension?

There won't be any awkward tension (well, maybe if she doesn't feel the same way), just relief that you did that already!

Also what would be a good starting conversation to attract a girl?

Just say "hi" and introduce yourself. If she's got any interest in you, it will be simple to continue conversation.

If I had a car would it help me if I had a lady of my own?

Don't depend on your wealth. It's never healthy. If a girl doesn't like you the way you are, money (or a car) isn't something that will make her heart beat differently.

Do ladies also like different guys?

Yes, the same for both genders. Why do you assume they doesn't?

I just feel like I am not good at talking to women at all because I’m afraid they might be more shy of me if I were to ask a lady out.

Asking a lady out for a date isn't something to be ashamed of, the same for rejection. She don't have to accept your proposition, and you have to respect that. But hey, you tried, right? That counts! It's better to try and be disappointed than to never try!

So go there and ask her out! Be self-confident! And be yourself! You'll do just fine :)
Be yourself!!! And be honest! You never want to start anything off with a lie....even a little one. Confident. Not cocky. Just remember first impressions are lasting impressions. My opinion only...every girl is different. Some want romance, some don't. Don't be something you're not just to impress someone. If its meant to happen, it will!
you wont be attracting good women if you show them that you're some rich kid or what. just enjoy being single. i personally like someone sarcastic and witty though.. so , different girls.. different preference on men
Girls like guys that make them feel happy. I'm the type of girl that goes for funny guys, because I laugh a lot, but some girls don't like that. If you like a girl, just start a simple conversation with her. Start with "Hi", obviously, but then try and go towards a certain topic. Maybe if you see that most of her stuff is a certain color, or has some kind of character on it, then you can start talking about that. If you don't know what to talk about, bring up something that you like and see if she expresses and intrest in it. It gives you something to talk about and helps you learn more about the person. Don't lie. Ever. This goes the same for girls, we shouldn't lie either. It just makes problems. Good luck :D
All women like different types of men, so just be yourself and the right woman will be attracted to you. Yes, having a car shows that you have worked hard for something and take care of it. It's a representation of how you'll treat us. It also shows you're responsible. The best way to start a conversation is to make a girl laugh. Become friends with her. Don't try to take advantage or make demands. You can either tell her you like her or she might tell you, but definitely make sure you say it if you feel it, otherwise she might think you just want to be friends.
I think you should be yourself , so when you do find that girl she likes you for you. At first it might be awkward but its okay to have those feelings because that means your interested and you care, which to some girls , a guy being nervous might be cute to her, but I guess it all depends on the girl..but I'm sure it'll all work out for you. good luck