Is this the right relationship for me?


I have been with the same girl for close to 3 years we had a rocky start at first but I thought we got past it all so basically now I have all these “rules” that aren’t rules she says but things I have to do or else she goes baserk. And of course I try to go along with it as much as I can but I’m not willing to do it anymore and she doesn’t seem she understands that I see her as irrational and plane crazy for making me have rules. But now we’re butting heads and we’re both tired of each other it seems like. And before anyone says we should let each other go. I should mention we have a 7 month old and another on the way. And I’m not sure if it’s fair to say that her hormones are affecting her but if they are. Then I don’t know.

Category: asked March 8, 2014

4 Answers

i think that relationships should have rules, because rules create structure. but it depends on what your welling to go through for her. if your not willing to go through the rules (depending on how ultimately crazy they are) maybe you should let go. p.s: it's *plain
It may be the hormones that are coming with the pregnancy, whichever, you two have been through a lot together, I'd say you could stay with her and be more patient with what's next in your life, and maybe one day you both can discuss these rules that have been implemented. Hope all goes well!
I've been with someone that long and honestly i regret cutting it off, you two have something beautiful since you guys managed to be with each other for that long. Rules are made when it comes to any relationship or it can easily go down the drain in a split second, also her being pregnant really emphasizes her emotions and trust me us having periods are already a struggle to contain our emotions but mentioning being pregnant. hang in there and work things out with her, you guys have something real and i wouldn't want to see you lose that.
Well, since it is her rules that are creating so much friction in the relationship, why don't you share some of those rules for consideration? Context matters.