Is this bad? Or am I over thinking?


Well I’m in the 8th grade and when it first started It was horrible! I wasn’t happy at all and I was all depressed and wouldn’t really talk to anyone and I would mind my own stuff and everything. It’s almost the end of the school year and I found someone I really like.. we started talking on facebook and I realized that he was really cute and funny and guess what.. he goes to my school and he is in the same grade as me! The more I talked to him the more I liked him and now we are dating and it’s been 3 weeks and almost 2 days and I am head over heels for him! He is amazing and brightens up my world! Ever sine I started talking to I’ve been so much happier, I smile all the time and I actually mean it. I am starting to talk to people now and have fun in school and it’s all because of him. I talk to him everyday over facebook and we walk together to softball and baseball practice! But the truth is I am falling for this kid.. am I to young? He completes me.. Does that sound stupid?

Category: asked March 31, 2014

6 Answers

Just make sure you don't completely rely on this person for all of your happiness. I'm a big fan of interdependent relationships. Codependency is not so great. Overall, I am happy you found someone who inspires you and makes you happy. If nothing else, this will be a good experience for you :)
Not at all. You found an awesome person, the least you can do is get to know him :)
I agree with the other answer. You found an amazing friend, don't sweat it. Enjoy it and thrive off it :)
Thanks guys but he is way more than a friend.. I mean he is my boyfriend and like.. do you think I'm going to fast by saying a like him a lot more.. like the word like is so lame..
Just live in the moment. You feel what you feel and there isn't anything wrong with that, just let it be. Most people feel elated when they get into a new relationship that is going extremely well, so that's nothing to contemplate. Go with the flow and allow yourself to be happy instead of worrying if it's weird or not!
thank you. this makes me feel a lot better!