Is there a specific person I should turn to?


So, I have problems at home. My parents fight all the time and I get abused by my older brother. People on this website are telling me to tell a teacher or my parents. I wish it was that easy. You see, if I tell anyone that my brother abuses me, he’ll just come back to hurt me twice as hard. I hate him, and he hates me. We’re nothing a like. It’s like we’re not even related. He’s popular and is cool (At least of what he thinks of himself). I’m nerdy and anti-social. He swears at me and abuses me each day. Sometimes I just want to end it all. But no, I know that this world needs me. But sometimes I scratch my wrist a lot, and sometime causes it to bleed. He always yells at me, saying I’m worthless and fat and ugly and stuff like that. The thing is, I don’t even know why he hates me so much. Sure, I be sarcastic to him but he takes it so seriously. I actually want someone to talk to. Not a counselor or a teacher, or even a parent. I just want someone who I can trust and wouldn’t tell a soul about what we talked about. I want someone who I can tell my life story to and not get a kick out of it. I need someone to trust. Is there someone who I should turn to?

Category: Tags: asked October 19, 2013

6 Answers

me? :D my email is [email protected] it may be the internet filled with trolls and pedos but on the internet you can find people who can relate no matter how far.
Hey beautiful, you are right. This world needs you! I'm sorry you're dealing with that abuse. You did nothing to deserve that. Someone like a counselor at school legally wouldn't be able to tell anyone what you say to him or her, so you could really trust one! You could trust that your brother wouldn't know you'd told anyone. A professional could best help you work through issues and help you find solutions, and you wouldn't have to be alone with it, but I'm here and I'm sure other people in this community will be here for you, too, if you ever need to talk. Don't live in fear.
I was abused by my brother. He even tried to kill me. Show someone the bruises, hide a secret recorder and capture what he says, or even a camera. My brother is now in jail because I did that. I hope I can help.
Im Always Free To Talk To Love. Message Me Anytime
Do you have a police station near where you live? If so, I think you should go to the police station and show them the scars and bruises on your body. Then ask one of them to take you to the hospital. There, the bruises and scars on your body will be recorded and then you can get out of there. I know how it feels to be hated by a sibling. My younger sister belittles me as stupid all the time, and it hurts when I'm trying to explain something, but she doesn't stop. So I know how it feels. At this rate, the closest thing to a stranger has to be the cops. That way, they can interrogate your brother and question your parents about the number of times you've tried to tell them he was doing this to you. No one should do that kind of suffering, and for that, I am sorry you had to. I only hope you're not too late.
I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. I understand the predicament. I had the same issue until one day we grew up and everything ended. I told him that if he ever put his hands on me he would be in jail 100%. He knew I wasn't kidding and I wasn't. Before that I really didn't want to get him arrested he was my brother so I took the abuse. We are now both married adults with children and have a great relationship. I strongly believe that you should give him an ultimatum and make sure he fully understands the consequences. If he does it again dial 911. I can almost guarantee you that jail for a few days will get him thinking.