Is it wrong to love someone but what them out of your life?


I love this certain family member that I would never wish any harm too. But this person drives me up the wall, almost making me snap and I can not stand living with them any longer. Some days, I don’t want to leave my room or if I have work, I don’t want to come home. I’m afraid that i’ll be questioned to death. This person is a very controlling person and never once have they been different. I’ve put up with it my whole life and I feel like i’m breaking. I put up with a lot of things to make others happy and I get yelled at for being “moody” or having an “attitude” problem when I am driven to it. What should I do? This person is also judgmental, no other human beings opinion matters to them, you are automatically wrong. I have a pain in my chest and most days I wish I was dead.

Category: Tags: asked July 14, 2014

6 Answers

well it all depends what your relationship with this person is. But often the people who can hurt us the most are those who we are closest with. It sounds like you already have an idea of what you want to do. But in the end of the day it sounds like you care about this person and they care about you. I know that doesn't make it much easier when they barrage you with questions and comments. Just hang in there. Worst case scenario you can always talk here for specific suggestions. Just keep going, you sound like your life is on track even if its taking a lot out of you. If you ever need to talk to this person argue using the one thing they can never know for sure. Your feelings, only you can know that. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, no amount of logic or life experience allows for that. If you ever need to talk PM me, I'll listen.
It's fine to say "I love you, but I need to live somewhere else", or "I love you, but I'm going to talk to you once a week when I feel I have the energy for it". It's fine to say "Yes, I'm moody and right now it's not a good time to talk, let's talk later" or "Yes, I have an attitude, and what's your point?".
Hey, i understand about the whole family member thing. My sister is annoying sometimes too. She lies to our parents about simple stuff, and when they catch her nothing is done about it. But if i had done the same thing they would have gotten mad at me. She left a year ago and moved out to live with her boyfriend, got pregnant, and recently the baby has been hurt by either him or her. I don't believe it was her that hurt that baby. But when she moved out and got pregnant I was the one to be lectured. not her! I sometimes cant wait until I can move out so i wont have to deal with this stuff anymore. I dont know really what to tell you other than distance yourself from them. if someone calls you moody for that, then thats their problem. tell them what they do to you if you havent or if you are comfortable with it and move on, there is too much stress and stuff in this world to be affecting your health over something that isnt YOUR fault. I wish you all the luck with this person.
If a person is not a positive influence in your life, there is never any wrong in parting ways with them. Pursue your happiness.
I had the same problem with one of my parents. Its maddening, and its exhausting as well. A lot of times I don't know what to say to them. If words fail, I'd advise you to just stick it out until you can move out. Things can be solved with time if nothing else. And don't feel bad or guilty at all that you want this person out of your life, because its not good to keep toxic people in your life and to harbor those negative feelings everywhere you go. Best of luck to you
Well try to get away from them and see if you can live separate. However sometimes you can't do that so one thing that helps me is to think of all the ways they help me in life and thing I like about them. That makes it easier to live with them and easier to appreciate their good qualities. Sometimes its hard to realize how people help us because they are always upsetting us.