Is it worth trying to fix?


So my boyfriend of 10 months hasn’t been there for me emotionally lately. He will makes comments about my weight, saying I’m too heavy. Whenever we have plans to hang out he always cancels at the last minute. Should I break up with him or should I try to fix it? If I tried to fix it, how could I?

Category: asked July 1, 2013

2 Answers

First things first, if you are unhappy with the relationship then just end it. Second off, no guy should be making those snide comments towards you that's just rude and disrespectful. And if he is always flaking out on you I would take that as a red flag. Just from your description of events it seems like he doesn't really care about the relationship anymore and he wants to break it off. I could be wrong though, the best thing to do of course is to have a conversation with him. See what you both want in the relationship; if it's best to stay together or not. Relationships take commitment and respect on both parties and it seems like he isn't really doing that at the moment so just see where he stands on that. He may want to break it off but he is unsure of how to do that. So again my best advice would be to talk to him about it. I wish you the best of luck.
I think you need to talk to him about how you feel. If you've been with him for 10 months I'm sure he would like it if you expressed your concerns instead of breaking up with him out of the blue. No one should feel like their partner is making nasty comments about them, so if you tell him that it hurts you when he says those things, I'm sure he will understand. Maybe he's not aware of the fact that you're getting hurt by his comments.

Don't let anyone bring you down, you are worth so much more than nasty comments. Just let him be aware of the fact that it does hurt you, because no one can read minds.

Stay golden