Is it okay to tell personal friends your fetishes?


I am extremely into hardcore gore, 9/11 jokes, Nazi’s and terrorists. I’m wanting to take these off my chest and show everyone how much of a creep I am. Is this socially acceptable?

Category: asked August 13, 2014

3 Answers

I had no idea that 9/11 jokes and Nazi's were fetishes. In fact, I still don't think they are. If you want to go all out, sure, tell whoever you like. However, saying that the third reich gives you a boner might not go over well. Time and a place for everything.
Well, if by fetish you mean dark humor or black humor a la Jeff Dunham and Achmed the dead terrorist, by all means share. If you mean sexual fetish, you may want to hold back. Do your friends talk about fetishes at all? You may want to play it safe and ask them what they think of fetishes to begin with. Then you can move on to seeing what they think of more serious matters. I think if they like dark comedy, they may be okay with the fetish. But then again, why do they need to know about it? Did you want one of your friends to participate? Or you feel like youre holding back yourself because of it? Many people consider their sexual lives private and may feel pressured to tell what their fetishes/preferences are. Again, try to gauge how they react to fetishes, then dark humor, etc... make yourself a slow step by step way to tell them and dont just come out with it. Try to see if you NEED to tell them. Hope you figure things out! All the best etc.
As long as others are not offended and you tell them at a proper place.