Is it okay to be gay, even though it goes against your raising and your community?


This question has been bugging me for the past 3 years. I’m a Christian and my whole community is Christian as well, from the mayor to the janitors. I really don’t know what to do about it, and I’ve already tried suppressing these feelings with no success. Any thoughts?

Category: Tags: asked April 10, 2014

5 Answers

YES! Yes, it is okay to be yourself! There is absolutely nothing wrong about being gay. I don't have experience with that kind of environment so unfortunately I don't have much advice, but I just wanted you to know that someone has your back :)
It is totally okay to be gay! I know it's hard when religion comes in the way of your personal beliefs or orientation, but in the end you have to be your true self, and you have to go for what YOU believe in, not what your family or your town wants you to believe in! In the end you may surprise yourself on who will actually support you, and coming out as gay is hard enough in a whole town who may not support it, but it beats lying to yourself and living and unhappy life because of it!
No matter what, always be yourself. You won't be able to supress that feeling, because that's WHO YOU ARE! It speaks of you as a person that you care so much what others will think, but sometimes you have to be a little selfish and search for your own happiness. Be brave, and have an amazing day. :)
Of course it is. That is like asking if it is ok to have ears. Sexuality is a part of a person's identity, and shouldn't be subject to any more judgement or skepticism as any other natural part of being a human being. Feel free to be yourself :)
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