Is it normal for a girl to ask a guy out?


I want to ask out this guy in my math class, but I’m not sure if I should because I’m a girl. What should I do?

Category: asked December 29, 2013

5 Answers

My girlfriend took the first step and we have been together for 7 months now:) dont think to much about it, and just go for it! sometimes it is really hard for the guy to do it and it will provably take more time for him to do it.... like me
totally normal for a girl to ask a guy out. its hot. takes them by suprise. makes you seem confident and guys like confidence in a girl just as much as girls like confidence in a guy. ( not too much though, dont get cocky lol)
I think its a good idea to ask him out! i mean dont go into all the stereotypical stuff. I asked my boyfriend out the first time and now we have been togetehr for almost 4 years! It shows the guy how you are confident, you are not sacred of rejection, and you arent shy and you are different then other girls!
Go for it, you don't gotta play in to everybody else's expectation :DBut nobody's going to look down on you for it. He might even appreciate it more, who knows
I believe whole heartedly that girls are totally capable of asking guys out. Most of the time we downplay our feelings because we're so afraid of rejection. Taking a chance and asking the guy out not only shows how confident you are, it'll show off this unique side to you that a lot of guys find attractive. Rejection is a part of life, and being able to handle it in the case that it does occur is a good thing. If anything, I feel like he'll appreciate the fact that you took the initiative to go against the norm. Good luck. (: