Is it healthy to think about suicide or death every now and then?


I usually have thoughts of suicide whenever I’m alone or listening to music or watching tv all by myself. I usually visualize in my head about certain scenes/situations that I can see myself hanged somewhere with people crying before me. Sometimes it’s not just suicide I visualize about but sometimes having a very lethal illnesses like cancer, leukemia, tb, or any illness or any accident of it all that will ultimately lead to death. And the weird part of it is, I’m having a very optimistic feelings about these thoughts and visions that I have. Should I be worried?

Category: Tags: asked September 15, 2014

4 Answers

To be honest, now and then I think about suicide. However, you should worry when you wish to act upon it. In my family, we have depression, so my mom says try not to be alone all the time, it makes you think too much. Try and engage in positive activities when you're alone or find a way to interact with a person--electronically even (I prefer face-to-face, but I do a fair share of electronic communication now and again). I hope this helps a bit! I know how it feels and it usually happens when I'm alone, but I try my best to divert my attention as soon as I feel it going too far. If it really, really worries you, talk to someone about it, that's what BlahTherapy is here for and also close friends and family :)
You defidently shouldn't be worried. Suicide thoughts like your just randomly appear from day dreaming. I have the same problem you do, only mine comes from my immense fear of death. Just ignore, and keep that optimistic mood! -GentleLight
I sometimes think about suicide and the possibilities that come from it. I wonder what everyone would do and what would happen. But most of the time I think about terminal illnesses such as cancer and who would actually be there to support me. But it's alright to think about these sorts of things, many people do, but if you are to act upon these suicidal thoughts, it's not the best thing
Would you say you fantasize about it to the point where it has become a distraction that interferes with your life? I would examine why you are indulging in these fantasies to gain a better understanding about what is driving them (just so you have a better understanding of yourself). Maybe you do it as a way to feel cared for since you imagine people mourning for you afterwards. It could be that you want people to feel badly for some reason. I don't know. Just brainstorming here. It sounds like whatever it is, it satisfies some deep need you have inside of you. I'm not sure what you mean by "optimistic feelings" about it. If that means you actually think committing suicide would be a good idea or something else. Like I said, I would be worried if it is a preoccupation but it's worth examining why it's there. It's not simply going to vanish because you will it to. We visualize things for a reason. It just sounds like there's unresolved feelings there whatever they may be.