Is it alright to feel resentful towards my parents?


Okay, my parents always neglect me and my two little brothers (10 and 6 y/o). I’m 18 btw. My mom is always out and barely looks after us. She is either at work, at casino place, with friends or with her boyfriend. She basically acts like a teenager. She blames me for being like this because I’m the reason why her life is ruined because of arranged marriage with my dad. On the other hand, my dad is abusive and always puts us down. He also usually puts me up with his responsibilities. Both of them make me do all the chores in the house to the extent that my grades are suffering. They also both cheat on other. TBH, my mom is pregnant right now to her bf. I might drop out of school because I feel so overwhelmed. What should I do?

Category: asked April 7, 2015

2 Answers

Before I even read this, I had my answer for you. Yes, it is alright. In my opinion, any feeling you have is alright to have, because you don't necessarily control how you feel, and all of your feelings are valid no matter how big or small whatever's going on is. After I read it, I saw that you really do care about your future and that you are really upset by what is going on which is completely normal. In that kind of situation, I would feel resentful towards my parents as well. Your parents are adults, and though it may be hard to hear from someone else, they certainly aren't acting like it. I think that if you've been through this much so far, you can hang out and keep going because you are strong enough to get through this. In the end, you are the one who knows what you need and what can help you. Sometimes it's hard not to let overwhelming emotions cloud our decision-making, but I don't think you should drop out of school. Your parents don't seem like the kind of people that would be willing to listen, but if you can, try to talk to them about it. If that doesn't work, talk to a friend or someone else you trust about it. I know you can do it. Hang in there!
It's ok. I don't think you should drop out of school. Just remember that once you're old enough to move out that everything will get better. If you drop out of school, you probably wont get a good job and be able to move out on your own. Maybe later on in life you can also help out your little brothers, but until then I think you just have to deal with everything. It will suck but remember that your life wont always be like this.