Is anyone aware of the cruelty currently happening to animals? Or do you just choose to ignore it?


Ignorance is bliss right? But does anyone really know about the extreme cruelty to animals happening currently? Examples, the fur industry, dog and cat meat trade, and animal testing. Or does everyone just choose to ignore it so they don’t have to “live with those kind of thoughts”?

Category: Tags: asked October 1, 2014

13 Answers

It's not that I'm not aware, it's that I feel like there are bigger, pressing issues at hand. I mean, the world can't even take care of its humans properly, let alone animals.
I'm a veterinary technician and I volunteer for an organization devoted to helping pets of homeless or low income familiesI've seen some seriously screwed up things in my field, and I will never understand how someone can treat innocents so horribly.I'm not vegetarian, but I will not buy anything tested on animals, I will not buy furs.The mentality that gets me is the "There's nothing I can do, and even if there was it wouldn't help" There is ALWAYS something you can do to help animals, be it volunteering for one of the thousands of charities and organizations dedicated to the cause, or simply refusing to be apart of animal testing by buying only cruelty-free products. Its as easy as looking on the products for the "Not tested on animals" seal.EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING.
Yes, I am aware. I have seen the videos, and while I found it disturbing, I still continue to eat meat. If I'm completely honest, I don't love animals like a lot of people do. I don't hate them, but the connection I feel with animals is no where near what I feel with people. I do wish the animals were treated more humanly, but I don't feel morally unjust for eating meat.
I'm more worried about genocide(s) to be honest.
That's where I draw the line. I don't support animals being killed for fashion. I don't own any leather or fur.
Okay, so I've seen videos. They are brutal, bloody, and really, not good for the eyes. There is one thing we must understand...America is full of fat people who love eating things. We obviously don't have enough room to 'organically' raise our livestock, people need to it and they do as they must. Okay, there are some cases where the workers are out of line, it happens everywhere. They do what they have to to keep supply up with demand. If everyone quit eating meat? Well...all the animals already slaughtered would go to waste and well...the rest of the unneeded livestock would probably just be thrown out as well. It's a grim reality. Now the fur trade...that is not essential for humans. I myself do not wear anything fur and only wear what I'm pretty sure is leather that never even seen an animal. I think the only animal product that I wear is wool. Shaving sheep in the summer helps both them and us. The problem with people these days is that we are desensitised from the natural order of things. We don't have to kill our own chickens for meat. If we want steak, we just go to a store where it's cut up all pretty with...well...none of the 'behind the scenes' things like the rest of the animal. I know I'm guilty of seeing a piece of meat and thinking how good it'll be, never seeing that it'd been on a cow. Food and fur are not the only ways that are cruel, there are puppy farms, animal fighting, bear bating, and other people who just flat out abuse animals. If people felt guilty for every thing of society people would not be able to survive. The general population does what it has to to survive, and some souls out there dedicate their whole lives to animals. Their is a fine line between just ignoring and knowing that even if you let it get to your conscience there is little you do unless you dedicate your life completly to the cause. Sorry for rambling, those are my thoughts though
Hannah, understanding does not equal agreeing. Just becasue someone does not wish to live your life style doesn't mean they don't understand it
I am very aware! I was just watching this show on the discovery channel or some channel along that vine, when I stumbled across this show that showed the infestation of animals. Their solution to the problem was to kill the unnecessary extras and it broke my heart. The talked about these animals like they were a hindrance to mankind and must be stopped. The irony in it was the history behind how they became a "problem" in the first place is crazy. Humans took them out of their own habitats and caused them to do things to survive, like migrating and crossbreeding. I just wish that people cared a little more. Animals are living things as well.
I'm vegetarian and have been for years, I also do not support animal testing or exploitation in any way. Moving up to vegan soon. So, yes. I do understand, although most people do not.
I am aware of it, but I don't think that there is anything I can do about it though. But if I did, it probably wouldn't stop it or help either. :(
But what about buying fur? I understand the whole meat thing, I grew up eating it. But would anyone here say, not buy those mukluks just because they're "in style"?
Fur and meat are just two well known issues, but Lauren are fantastically correct! I'm so glad I have had people willing to talk about stuff like that and offer ways to help :) And the slaughter of animals is only because people demand it to eat... so if no one ate it, they would stop doing it, no? And the raising of cattle and livestock animals is actually really bad for the environment. It's not environmentally friendly at all. It would be way more eco friendly if more people didn't eat it. Then again, I understand pragmatism
you definitely don't have to dedicate your life to the cause to make a difference. there are a lot of things you can do to protect the well-being of animals. if quitting meat or other animal products is too hard there are a lot of other ways to make a difference. adopting animals, supporting rescue centers or speaking up against trophy hunting are all ways to save animal lives and make a difference.animals are not here for us to do as we please. we are their equals, not their superiors.