I’m too quiet….


There are school days where I don’t even say a word during the day. I am always so nervous to say anything because I am scared Im gonna say the wrong thing. I also feel like I have no confidence around other people, especially big groups. Help!

Category: Tags: asked April 29, 2014

3 Answers

I used to be like that - I was so shy at school that I couldn't even talk to my friends! I found that as soon as I relaxed and started being myself, exactly as I wanted to be, and not caring what other people thought, I gained a lot more confidence, and that confidence just keeps increasing now :)
Im kind of shy because I never know what to say and I do also feel I say the wrong things ALOT of the time. But Ive also learned that if you dont say what you want no one will hear you and youll be stuck with salad when you coulda had a Pizza.(my mom asked me what I wanted for dinner and I was to scared to ask for pizza and I got salad)Plus no one will know how you feel untill you tell them =)
Find someone in the class that you can identify with. Make small talk. Smile. Try it again the next day and the day after until you become comfortable. Try it on someone else. The next thing you know you'll be friends with your classmates. *watch watamote. It's a popular anime about a socially awkward girl.