I’m so confused I honestly dont know what to do anymore. Help Me?


So quick summary, I had been going out with my second boyfriend for 2 years. he was or is the love of my life, but hes also my destruction. He would call me these names when we would have this big fight or argument. While I was with him is when I started self harming and attempted suicide twice. I know its pretty pathetic all for a guy. But hes not just a guy he is THE guy. Then he broke up with me because I got to depressed over him. After that we were on and off. I told him I would wait for him and its been about 6 months or more, I haven’t had a single bf after him, hes had about 7 girlfriends, and hes currently in a relationship. My first boyfriend came back in my life and he really likes me. I moved schools and he would leave me in all my classes and he would wait for me after each one. Hes a sweetheart he really is. Today I recieved a txt from my 2 years long ex, asking for another chance. I thought I had given up on him, but I havnt. And I dont know what to do.

Category: asked July 2, 2014

4 Answers

Well, you should find out who is the one you love or really like. You are not a puppet and you cannot be every guys girlfriend just because he wants to. And it is not necessary for you to actually be in the relationship if you don't feel anything. I can only say that if you are in relationship but somehow fall for another guy, that shows that there is something wrong with your current relationship. Maybe those are only your memories what is bringing you back to him?
I agree with gitaarius. He's treating you like your puppet, and pulling on your heart strings whenever he feels like it. No guy should ever call his girlfriend names, no matter what. If you attempted suicide and were self harming while you both were dating, maybe he isn't the one. If he was, wouldn't he be there for you and not be the cause of the attempts in the first place. Jasmin, you of all things, come first! You are the most important in the relationship. You need to think of yourself first, and if you'd really be happy with him if you got back together. Your health is more important than a relationship, where the male figure doesn't treat you right.
Protip: THE ONE won't treat you like that.

It is entirely possible to fall into deep, honest love with an abusive asshole, and being in love does not negate wrong-doing. You NEVER allow people to mistreat you, ESPECIALLY someone you love. Being in love is not free license to mistreat someone and always be forgiven for it. Stop "waiting" for that abusive boy and move on to find supportive people to fall in love with.
Id say just forget them both , START NEW! Youve done your time with both of them, why not try something new? Im sure theres plenty of guys that would treat you the way youre supposed to be treated.