I’m having some friendship issues…


I have a friend (we’ll just call her “B”) of which I have been really great friends with for about three years. Something I’m starting to notice, though, is that she is REALLY clingy. My other friend (“S”) is someone I’ve none for about a year. I really like her, but B hates when we don’t do something all together. I don’t have anybody except S to talk about because I’m not very close to my either of my parents and my brother isn’t any use. I guess I just need advice about getting some space from B.

Category: Tags: asked October 15, 2013

2 Answers

Hi! so I think what you really need to do is talk to B and listen and see how she feels and compromise. because you are aloud to have more than one friend!(: maybe when she is busy u can hangout with S and vice versa! and group hangouts as well! also u can have maybe them to hangout and they can get to know eachother better and be friends as well!(: I hope i helped!
That is a tough situation. But I definitely agree with the comment above me. Just explain how you feel and listen to how she feels. Do things together sometimes, but also have time to spend with each of them just one on one.