I’m going for a party friday night, and i lied to my mum its for a friend who’s visiting the country


I’m going for a party friday night, and i lied to my mum its for a friend who’s visiting the country and she’s really insisting on calling her mum when its not her instead a boy is hosting the party. I really want to go and i have the boys mums number. What do i do?

Category: Tags: asked July 17, 2014

3 Answers

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your question…
Your mom wants to ensure you are safe wherever you go, that's the reason she wanted to talk to your friend's mom. And, to be honest, you shouldn't have lied to your mom,she worries for you and wishes the best for you :) Now, what you can do is tell your Mom the truth, she might be a little disappointed, but atleast she will know you are being honest. If you really want to go to the party, tell her that and show her that you are responsible. Apologise for lying to her, and if possible see if your mom can talk to the boy's mother, then she can be reassured that you will be okay and let you go to the party.Onemore thing...if the party is not appropriate, and your mom forbids you to go, don't argue, listen to her. Good luck :D
don't lie if you have nothing to hide. Just be honest about what you want.