I’m afraid to tell my dad


My mom died nearly 3 years ago and for almost 2 of those years I have struggled with depression as well as many anxieties including social anxiety. My friends say I need to see someone, especially a doctor. But I am afraid to tell dad. I feel like he will look down upon me or something. Whenever other family members ask how we are doing, dad says great, he doesn’t get what is going on. Everyone always says I am so happy because I always smile and dad believes it. He doesn’t know how fake it is and what I am hiding. I tried telling my sister but she was to busy to listen. I don’t know what to do!

Category: Tags: asked August 21, 2013

7 Answers

I really think you should tell your dad. Your health is the number one concern here, and I think that, considering he is your dad, he will care and try to get you help. I think he will understand, considering you did lose your mom (I am incredibly sorry for your loss! :( ). He'll probably just say something like, "I wish you would have told me sooner!" Or something dad-like. Stay calm and take deep breaths while telling him. Make sure you get your point across to him.
Stay strong, girl. You'll pull through this. Good luck in whatever you decide to do! xx
I agree with Jessica. You dad might be needing someone to talk to also. Maybe you could help each other by healing together. I'm sure he feels the same as you do and will understand. I am also sorry about your loss.
your dad can not read your mind so your gonna have to muster up the courage to go one on one with him and tell him.......work together to move on , but the longer you wait the harder it will be to tell him, so the sooner the better....my best to you
Please tell your dad, this is all for you and your health. If you bottle this up, it could turn into something even worse. I'm sure nobody would look down on you for bettering your mental health :)
As said, it would be best for you if you did tell your dad, but do it in your own way and time. Don't feel as though you have to tell him everything at once, just start with telling him that you are depressed and have anxiety. Telling him this is going to be the hardest thing, but from there, hopefully, you will have more confidence to talk to your dad and be able to work together, and help each other as well. It might be a bit awkward to begin with, but you will hopefully feel a bit lighter for telling him. I am so sorry for your loss, and I wish the best for you!
I have a similar problem, depressed with nobody to listen because I act happy and silly. I'm really sorry for your loss. You need to tell your dad, he needs to know, it's not fun to know your kid is sad all the time and he will, at any rate, try to help and support you. Venting is healthy for you, bottling up your feelings isn't.
I agree with the others. You should try to tell him, because maybe he is so occupied with trying to make it work he just doesn't see it. Or mabye you're really good with faking happiness? Anyway, you need to take care of yourself and you should get your father to help you. Because it won't get better this way, it will only get worse, and you will come to a point where you won't be able to fake it anymore. And the longer you wait the harder it will get to actually fight your problems. If he does not react well try to get him to understand that you are not feeling well and you don't feel like you can do this on your own and you need him. He needs to understand that you are not trying to sabotage his way of coping but that it simply doesn't work for you. I wish you the best!