If you aren’t doing something one deems bad they don’t care any further


I’ve seen countless times people say they cut and you got people flooding in to the rescue or if a tear drips from a face but yet if you aren’t doing something deemed bad you are left to be as you are none the less if you don’t feel loved don’t consider yourself to be part of your family and don’t have any friends (lots of people use this term in vein to much for true friends but truly no friends as in talk to no one spend days in my room) and I seem to just feel because I don’t cut, do drugs, sit to cry in sorrow, and/or runaway that people seem to think that it’s alright because I don’t do something morally wrong just kinda feel nothing no sadness or happiness or anything good just more a built up anger my question to all this is how is this alright?

Not talking about people on here I mean every where not post just life

asked July 24, 2014

2 Answers

I think people at this site are very good at reaching out to those who call for help. Most of the status updates saying that they need to talk to someone or that they are feeling down seem to get commented on by somebody offering to help out or with some comforting words. It's a matter of reaching out, not beat yourself up when you get seemingly ignored and try again - within reason ofcourse.
Because nobody is mandated to respond to any particular post. It is true that posts and comments that reveal someone is in some kind of danger have more attention, but that doesn't mean that some posts are more important than others, nor does that mean that anyone has any right to call Listeners and peers wrong for not responding to ALL statuses. That is simply an unreasonable expectation.

If you feel like you've been ignored, then I'm very sorry. There are people who fall through the cracks; we don't get everyone. Just as you don't feel it is fair that some comments get more attention than others, it is not fair for you to expect us to get EVERYONE.

People post at all hours of the day and night, and the feed fills up quickly.