If someone tortured, abused and molested you every day, would you commit suicide?


Or would you somehow continue to believe that life is good and that there is a god and a purpose to life. If the latter, how would you go about doing this?

Category: asked July 21, 2015

3 Answers

I hope this hypothetical me can seek help:
Hell no I would not want to die. I would do anything in my power to fuck them up. I would not take that shit and if they didn't rot in jail then they would be simply dead! I've said it before you can't keep taking that bullshit, no one has the right to do what they want with you, you are not a thing you are a person. Stand up for yourself!
Going through similar things I can honestly say I went through both of those feelings. At first when I was little I felt like things were great and the bad things only happened because of me. Then as I grew up some I gradually got to a point where I felt that I was completely worthless and no one cared about me. I felt like since no one noticed or cared what was happening that I just wasn't worth being helped. I got very depressed and suicidal. Then later on I finally had someone to show me that I matter and was worth something. I got into therapy. I got away from the people that were causing all that torment. It's gotten a lot better. I can say now that Im the happiest Ive ever been. Even with all the mental disorders (and the therapy I go to now because of them) my childhood caused me, I'm still glad I didn't die. If you find the right help and somehow find a support system of some kind things do get better. It takes work and a lot of time but it does.