I tried screaming for help and they just got annoyed…


I’ve been dealing with a lot of problems and personal shit in my life and I don’t exactly know how to communicate well with my family, so I’ve held it in for a while. They care but they’re tough.

I got kinda drunk and posted a status to facebook saying I seriously need help cause it got to be too much. And so my mom called and when I told her a few things she just sounded pissed off. “You should talk to people cause they can help, it doesnt make any sense to not do that”. I couldn’t even get in a word edgewise as to what or why I felt that way. The woman doesn’t seem to get that I have terrible social fucking anxiety.

she said we’ll talk more later but I don’t really want to pick up the phone anymore from anyone. They’re all basically like that. I don’t think they’re willing to be sensitive to how I feel. If I get depressed they just give solution oriented stuff all while sounding annoyed like Im a fucking burden. How do I let them know what I want and how alone I feel cause of that? Do some people just not want to sympathize?

Am I just not going to be able to ever connect with them?

Category: Tags: asked July 7, 2014

3 Answers

Write them a letter and tell them exactly how you feel and what has been bothering you. Tell them you have trouble expressing yourself. Maybe through writing you can do it more easily. I know it works for me.
many people see logic as a strict linear progression. you feel bad about situation, you do this, this fixes situation, you now have no situation to feel bad about. That sounds like thats their logic. Often times people dont understand why or how venting works for one reason. You are going to them so they can hear, their input isn't always needed for venting. And some people think "why talk to a person if you don't want their input". Some linear thinkers have trouble when they are on the listening end. So I'm going to do exactly what you feel the issue is, i'll try to give a logical solution. Either drag them into family therapy/mediator, ive done it and it does work. plus with problem/solution oriented people it appears to be a logical solution. Or explain that the best way for them to help is to listen. Let them know that they raised you and you know the logic and the obvious solutions and they have not worked. so the only thing left is to try something new. I'm sorry if this was a little to much of a straight up answer. Your parents do love you, you said yourself they care, they are probably just as confused as you are, if not more. take the lead and they will try to help if you give them direction. I wont guarantee smooth sailing but if you give them a path to follow it will at least give them direction on how to help you
Speaking to someone about something vital to you,is hard,really hard.Even though we all can speak perfectly,some things can't be said. Try writing a letter and sending it to them. Or maybe write down all of your issues somewhere and read them,it will help you feel better.Try changing yourself a bit,get happy,bubbly and boisterous.Try changing yourself to the person you've always wanted to. And then go to your family,and make them understand that its alright if they didn't help you during your hard times and that you can stand up and be strong..but stick together all the time,because family is always first.