I think the girl I love is losing interest in me?


I’ve been talking to this girl for a while now, and she’s the girl I’ve ever had feelings for. Unfortunately she’s been distant lately. Any way to help me with this?

Category: asked January 28, 2014

8 Answers

I don't know your relationship, so I'm sorry if I sound like I'm pointing fingers. This is only from my experiences with a significant other being distant.
Is it possible you're not giving her enough space? To me it's a little crazy that a girl would want space, because I'm as clingy/lovey as can be, but all girls are different.
If it's an issue of space, maybe she's not getting enough time to herself or friends. It could be that she feels smothered, in a way.
If there is any possible way that she might be doing drugs, try to find out without really getting into her business, or being shady/sneaky.
Let her know how you feel. If you're feeling like you're not getting enough attention, tell her. Let her know that she's been a little off lately, and that you're feeling like you're losing your bond. After telling her, take her out for dinner or a movie, a picnic. Let her know that you're concerned, and just want to help.
One, does this girl know you actually like her? If yes, then maybe her feelings aren't as strong yours. If no, tell her!There is a chance she likes you but doesn't know if you feel the same way.Two, just talk to her, find out if she's just got alot of things going on right now, maybe she's just busy. Maybe she's just stressing over some things right now.Three, I don't know how often you talk/see each other. Maybe you are kinda smothering her. (you were kinda vague with the details)Feel free to PM me and I'll try to help you out, if you'd like of course! :D
Because it's long distance, I hate to say it, but maybe she is embarrassed?
Online relationships are not at all uncommon, but it is possible she doesn't want her parents to find out, because to them, it is uncommon.
When I was in middle school I was dating a guy online, and I didn't want to tell any of my friends or my parents about it, because I knew they'd judge me for it or be uncomfortable with it. So, maybe she's not comfortable with the idea herself, or she's embarrassed.
Have you told her that you feel neglected? The only way to work together on an issue in your relationship is through communicating your thoughts and feelings.
Most other people I've talked to have said the same thing that I could be too clingy. So I'm giving her space but when she finds out I'm not talking to her as much she confronts me about it. It's just a never ending cycle, we talk about the problems and it feels fixed but really it's not. I just don't know what to do anymore, it's all I can think of all day and night, and every day that goes by it gets harder and harder to deal with. I forgot to mention this is long distance. She told me that her parents are very strict about dating so she can't text me when they are around her. We used to play video games online a lot but just recently she's been playing every single night with her friend and has been neglecting me the whole time. I'm just stuck on all this and it's killing me.
Well, she's not embarrassed about being in a long distance relationship because she's used to be in one. But her parents don't allowed her to be in one. We always talked about dating but she's always on the edge about it like she wants to but at the same time she doesn't. I've lately been asking her if she still likes me the same but each time I ask she avoids answering the question. Does that raise any flags? And lately I think she's been lying to me a lot. We usually play games online and today she told me she was going to bed early and we both signed out but then I see her online. Playing with someone else. Does it raise any flags that she lies to me as well? I honestly do feel like I'm smothering her, but I'm trying to give her space, though she says I'm not smothering her. But with all this lying and always avoiding my important questions it's just making me think if she's really worth it or not. She is the girl of my dreams and I have so much feelings for her. But at this point it's just tough trying to deal with it. Does that make sense?
I understand how it could be hard to talk about your feelings or communicate with your significant other through IM, or over message, because the emotion isn't there. It's hard to really express how hurt your are, or how much you love someone through a computer screen, even with emojis, (lol x])
If she's having a hard time talking about being in a relationship online and she was in one before, maybe she's not ready to get into another if it was recent.
To me it's silly how attached you can become to someone over the internet, but it truly does happen, I know.
I don't understand why she feels the need to lie to about going to bed and playing online with someone else?
She may be avoiding your questioning about your relationship because she's not ready to talk about it, or maybe she's unsure about her feelings right now herself, and doesn't want to give you the wrong impression (whether good or bad.)
you have to be bold dont ever settle for anything other then what you deserve i would say go for what you believe but some times people have their own insecurities i feel you should either be open and honest about how you feel with her or you should try and do something special to show her you care many people have a hard time letting people in or letting people down maybe you guys are growing apart start to reevaluate how you love and whom you love and i hope all goes well remember a relationship is 50/50 not 80/20
Yeah, she learned as she grew up to not show any emotion because she thinks it'll make her look weak. She started to open up to me a lot and was showing her sweet side, but when she noticed she was she started to back off. I really want to just open up to her and tell her everything I feel but I think it would just make me look needy don't you think? I gave her space but she realized I was and messaged me to talk about it, but as I said before when we try to work through it it's just a cycle, it feels things were fixed but nothing really changed. It's possible she's not ready for a relationship but every time I even ask her if she likes me still how I like her she just avoids the question. Is there a way I can get her to answer the question? I hate her avoiding the question. But sometimes little moments of her affectionate side pop out and it makes me think she does have feelings for me.